Top 7 Lucrative Tech Side Hustles to Earn $an Hour in 2024

 As somebody who works in tech for their normal everyday employment, I've additionally worked my reasonable portion of tech part time jobs before as well..

My most memorable genuine part time job was really filling in as an independent web designer building custom WordPress topics for a little tech firm in St. Louis, MO. I worked 10 hours a month as a consultant on my waitressing position and made $100 an hour fixing open deformities in a variety of various custom WordPress subjects.

I cherished working independent and experiencing a style of work where I could work at whatever point, from any place, as long as I finished my hours and the work that I consented to. It likewise opened up the universe of side hustling for me.

Throughout the long term, I'd proceeded to do other tech second jobs, for example, little website composition projects, technical support for other private ventures, video altering, publishing content to a blog, and that's just the beginning.

With the ascent of the gig economy and more adaptable approaches to working with remote second jobs, there so many tech open doors accessible for side hawkers than at any other time. We should plunge into a portion of these tech second jobs and the choices accessible to you today.

Not certain in the event that a tech second job is ideal for you? Take our free side gig test underneath to find out:

7 Tech Side gigs That Pay $50 an Hour or More

Every one of the tech side gig thoughts in this rundown can possibly pay $50 an hour or more. Remember that you will require wifi and a PC at the absolute minimum for every one of these side gigs.

1. Web Engineer

There are different ways of functioning as a web designer for a part time job. You can turn into an independent web engineer and construct sites for clients that agreement out your time. Or on the other hand you could construct as of now made site subjects, layouts, or modules.

Some web engineers independent foster sites while likewise bringing in cash with YouTube or a blog. This is basically stacking their part time jobs to expand their pay significantly more.

A few independent sites you can use to search for work:








If you have any desire to make something of your own, make as of now made site subjects and modules, and show them available to be purchased on locales like CodeCanyon, Etsy and Innovative Market. This sort of pay will be night and day different and you will bring in cash off the deal as opposed to an hourly rate like you'd make as a consultant.

You don't should be that sure about coding sites to pull this part time job off. Utilize no code devices like Webflow to construct sites for your clients where you can set up a site in only 1 day or multi week.

Normal rate as indicated by Glassdoor: $37 an hour and up

2. Website specialist

Similar as filling in as an independent web engineer for a part time job, you can likewise function as an independent website specialist on the off chance that plan is more your thing. Rather than building and coding sites, you'd be planning the visual components of the site like any pennants or pictures, the visual subject of the site, logos, symbols, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Independent sites for fashioners to search for gigs:

Fiverr or Upwork







Facebook Gatherings and channel on "independent fashioner" for the hunt term

You can likewise channel your plan abilities and plan series of site components all alone to list available to be purchased on your own site, Etsy, Innovative Market, and the sky is the limit from there.

Normal rate as indicated by Glassdoor: $33 an hour and up

3. Video Manager

Video altering is an incredible tech part time job for somebody who has an uncommon meticulousness and love the video medium. Because of the movement of free versatile video altering devices and web-based entertainment, the choices accessible for video altering as a side gig are interminable.

Gone are the days where you needed to have a tremendous extravagant camcorder and expensive video altering programming to make it as a video manager and movie producer. You can absolutely get everything rolling as an independent video supervisor on your own through web-based courses, independent sites, close nit Facebook gatherings and online networks, and virtual entertainment.

A few sites you can begin searching for video altering gigs:







You can likewise involve Facebook Gatherings and quest for catchphrases like "video altering" or "independent video supervisor" and search for gatherings to join that consistently post video altering gigs.

4. Technical support

There are lots of various ways of bringing in cash with a technical support side gig. There are applications you can work on, locales you can apply to gigs on, or you could actually begin your own technical support independent company.

Sites recruiting technical support laborers and independent locales you can utilize:



Field Country



To step up your abilities and increment your possibilities tracking down work, consider getting a certificate like the Google Certificate for IT Backing Experts.

Normal rate as per Glassdoor: $22 an hour and up

5. Quality Confirmation Analyzer

Quality confirmation analyzers run a progression of robotized tests that reviews programming and code for mistakes. In the event that you don't have coding experience however insect to get familiar with coding, this would be a decent second job to assist you with doing that. You wouldn't compose the code yet you'll be associated with the code in your testing.

You can begin by refreshing your resume of past QA testing experience or then again in the event that you're simply getting everything rolling, look free of charge QA Testing seminars on Udemy.

Then, at that point, make a beeline for these destinations to search for parttime or independent QA analyzer gigs:




For sure

Normal rate as per Glassdoor: $33 an hour and up

6. Specialized Author

Have you at any point needed to compose any specialized documentation as an aspect of your responsibilities?

Working in I.T. in both help groups and dev groups, I've needed to compose specialized records for pretty much every task, including documentation for different designers. This is basically the very thing that a tech essayist does, however exclusively does as a consultant. Be that as it may, it is just a single sort of specialized essayist.

There are a few distinct kinds of specialized journalists, including yet not restricted to:

End-Client guides

UX essayist

Item manuals

Programming interface documentation

SDK documentation

Tech web journals

and the sky is the limit from there

Sites that rundown specialized composing gigs:




The Essayist's Work Pamphlet

To be sure

Normal rate as indicated by Glassdoor: $33 an hour and up

7. Instructional exercise Blogger or Vlogger

In the event that there is a particular specialized skill you have some expertise in, you could make content web-based all over making various instructional exercises for normal issues that individuals are looking for on the web. You can investigate a portion of these most looked through issues by utilizing watchword research programming like Semrush to see what a portion of those most looked through catchphrases are.

You can likewise follow bloggers and vloggers that you respect via online entertainment. Follow individuals that are doing what you need to do.

Begin with either your blog or YouTube (or both) to exhibit instructional exercise based content like "How to fabricate a site in WordPress", "How to plan a logo in Canva", or any kind of how to content in a subject you love to discuss. You can get everything rolling writing for a blog with Bluehost and get an extraordinary markdown by utilizing my connection that Bluehost made only for ILTD perusers.

The various ways you can bring in cash with an instructional exercise based brand as are this:

Promotion pay from advertisements put on your blog or in your recordings

Supported pay from brand associations

Associate pay from offshoot organizations

Digital books


Normal compensation as per FirstSmallBusiness: $40k - $80k every year and up


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